Sunday, January 20, 2008

Tennessee Reining Horse Shows in 2008

2008 Calendar of Events

April 25-27 – NRHA/TNRHA Approved Show, Harriman, TN
July 12-13 – NRHA/TNRHA Approved Show, Harriman, TN
August 9-10 – NRHA/TNRHA Approved Show, Harriman, TN
October 17-19 – NRHA/TNRHA Approved Show, Murfreesboro, TN

1 comment:

Unknown said...

how old do you have to be to enter and can you enter tennessee walkers or is it where you can only enter a certian breed of horse and if so what kind i'm interested so please reply or
e-mail me at

there are no capial letters