Saturday, November 29, 2008

Bad news for drivers...Saudi king wants higher prices on oil

Saudi Arabia's king says the price of oil should be $75 a barrel, much higher than it is now, but his oil minister indicated Saturday that no measures will likely be taken until OPEC meets again next month.

Saudi Oil Minister Ali Naimi said that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries will "do what needs to be done" to shore up falling oil prices when the group meets Dec. 17 in Algeria, but for now it was "too early."
Read the entire story at Yahoo News.

Visit Opryland USA again on NPT's "Memories"

The show will spotlight much-loved rides, performances and attractions, as well as popular entertainers (including singer-songwriter Chely Wright) who launched their careers playing at Opryland, USA.

The program’s writer and producer, Justin Harvey, reached out to the community in search of personal memories, photos and videos of time spent at the park. He said the response was overwhelming.

“So many people called me or wrote to me to share their fond memories of summers spent at the park,” Harvey told Nashville Public Television. “For many, Opryland was their childhood. For many of the performers, it was their first big gig and entrance into the entertainment industry. Everybody, it seems, loved Opryland.”
Read the entire article in the Tennessean.

Friday, November 28, 2008

"Local Aficionado- Nashville " episode 1

If you want the best pralines in the world, whether for yourself or to give as a Christmas present, visit Pralines by Leon now to find out how to place your order for them or just stop in and by them in person.

Please visit our friends over at Corrieri's Formaggeria for great cheeses, sandwiches and many more delightful foods. Here is Brandon Fuson to introduce himself.

Nashville Restaurant Health Scores- November 28

High Scores:

Date Inspected: 11/20/2008
Score: 93

Date Inspected: 11/19/2008
Score: 99

Date Inspected: 11/20/2008
Score: 92

Date Inspected: 11/18/2008
Score: 92

Low Scores:

There are no low scores available for the date range you selected.


There are no updates available for the date range you selected.

Amtrak's best and worst on-time train routes

**As of July 2008

Milwaukee - Chicago
Year-To-Date (YTD): 87.7 percent July: 88.5 percent
Amtrak’s most on-time route is, probably unsurprisingly, also one of its shortest.


Texas Eagle
Chicago - St. Louis - Dallas - San Antonio - Los Angeles
YTD: 14.3 percent, July performance: 0.0 percent

Visit the Webbspun Ideas website to see the rest of the list.

This list comes from Peter Greenberg. Visit his website for more great info about traveling.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tenn. officials say 2008 harvest deemed a good one

Despite lingering drought conditions in some parts of the state, Tennessee agricultural officials say 2008 is a good year for the harvest.
Tennessee Agriculture Commissioner Ken Givens said the rain that fell during the growing season was timely, if not abundant, and the weather wasn't overly hot when corn was pollinating.
Read more in Forbes. Article written by Randall Dickerson

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Great quote by Rick Steves

If your life is a canvas, travels bring new color. And journaling is like being a painter who stands back every once in a while to understand and enjoy the art as it unfolds.
~Rick Steves

The Art and Value of Journaling as You Travel

By Rick Steves

Travel can make you a poet. Travel can be spiritual. You meet people on the road you'd never meet otherwise. Traveling rearranges your cultural furniture, challenging truths you assumed were self-evident and God-given. By traveling, you learn not only about the people and places you visit — you learn about yourself.

But without capturing your thoughts on paper, the lessons of travel are like shooting stars you just missed...and butterflies you thought you saw. Collecting intimate details on the road and then distilling them into your journal sharpens your ability to observe and creates a souvenir you'll always cherish.

Choose your travel journal carefully. I prefer a minimalist journal, light yet stiff enough to protect the pages and to give me something solid to write on (since I often write on the fly without a convenient table). I like invitingly empty pages — not pages decorated with extra literary frills and verbose doodads. It's my journal, not someone else's chance to decorate my observations with cute quotes, clever tips, and handy reminders. I use black ink or a mechanical pencil. Nothing should compete with the simple words. Avoid spiral notebooks — they fall apart quickly. A bound book will become a classic on your bookshelf.

Read the entire article on Rick Steve's website.

Small-Mart Revolution by Michael Shuman

In Michael Shuman's new book, "Small-Mart Revolution," he explains why local businesses create a vibrant local economy with more local jobs and wealth. This is true and should be something practiced by us all.

See more of Michael and his thoughts on YouTube.

Plumgood Food is going out of business

Plumgood is closing its doors on Friday, December 5th.

A portion of a message on their website to customers from Eric Satz, cofounder and ceo is below:
We believe our service was not only good for our customers, but good for Nashville, which continues to diversify its economy by attracting large corporations from major cities and supporting local ventures with assistance from the Nashville Capital Network and the Nashville Chamber of Commerce. Similar businesses to ours exist in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Salt Lake City, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Chicago, Boston, Washington D.C., Virginia and New York City. We expect to see another grocery home delivery service plant itself here in the future.

Today’s economy has taken its toll on our business the same way it has on many other businesses our size. The primary driver for our customer was always convenience. This consumer value proposition becomes far less compelling in an environment where the perceived value of one’s time declines as significantly and rapidly as it has over the past few months. We’ve seen our weekly deliveries decline from more than 800 to less than 700. We simply do not have the scale and purchasing power required to compete on price with the country’s largest grocers and outlast the current economic crisis.

Please visit the Plumgood website to read the entire goodbye letter.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A brief look around the Loveless Cafe

Delicious experience and had the pleasure of talking about good, local food with "the Biscuit Lady" Carol Fay. They will be open for Thanksgiving but stop out there anytime for a great experience.

A new form of heating?

Lard in the fireplace...Hmm, maybe it would be cheaper then gas.

U.S. rail network facing congestion ‘calamity’

“For those of you who’ve ever seen a good rail meltdown, this is what it looks like,” Rose, CEO of Burlington Northern Santa Fe Corp., said as the crowded hall shifted uncomfortably in their chairs. “It’s literally chaos in the supply chain.”

While the nation’s attention is focused on air travel congestion and the high cost of fuel for highway driving, a crisis is developing under the radar for another form of transportation — the freight trains used to deliver many of the goods that keep the U.S. economy humming.

The nation’s 140,000-mile network of rails devoted to carrying everything from cars to grain by freight is already groaning under the strain of congestion, with trains forced to stand aside for hours because of one-track rail lines.
Read the entire article in Better Roads.

Pfunky Griddle

Location: 2800 Bransford Ave., Nashville, TN

Smokin' Turkey BLT $8.00
Smoked Turkey and crispy Bacon served with Chipotle Aioli, crisp lettuce and tomatoes.

Loaded Baked Potato Soup Bowl $4.50

Wheels by Dan Tyminski

Great video for someone, like me, who loves train travel. I would have loved to have been on this train for the shoot.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tn. Dept of Agriculture recommends a real tree this year for Christmas

The Tennessee Department of Agriculture is asking residents to use real Christmas trees this holiday season instead of artificial types.

Fake trees are made of plastic and take years to biodegrade once they are discarded.

On the other hand, experts said farm-grown trees help the environment while they are growing and can be recycled once the holidays are over.

The auto world may shift into the South and away from Detroit

Southern politicians have spent years luring foreign automakers to build cars in their states, with huge success. Most recently, Tennessee attracted a $1 billion Volkswagen assembly plant to Chattanooga. South Carolina has BMW. Mississippi landed a major plant for Toyota Motor Corp. Alabama boasts plants run by Mercedes-Benz, Hyundai Motor Co. and Honda Motor Co.

It's not that Southerners are secretly wishing for the Big Three to collapse. But if those automakers were to falter, the new players are poised to ramp up production and possibly turn the South into the next Detroit.

"In the long run, having fewer competitors or weaker competitors is generally a good thing," said Efraim Levy, a senior auto industry analyst with Standard & Poor's. "It would contribute to a greater relative strength in the South."

Read the entire story in the Tennessean newspaper.

Judge Bean says he is coming back

12th Avenute location

Fans of the Texas-style barbecue stylings of Aubrey Bean will be glad to know that, even though both locations of Judge Bean's BBQ shut down recently, Bean plans to be back on the food scene in January.

Bean, 55, was sidelined by a heart attack in September, and complications followed. "After I got out of the hospital, I just needed to take some time off," says Bean, who says he's been exercising during his recovery and lost 70 pounds.
Read the rest of this story in the Tennessean newspaper.
The original location

Great quote by John Wooden, legendary UCLA coach

“Don't measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but what you should have accomplished with your ability.”
~John Wooden

How the Grinch Stole Christmas on ICE!

Now thru January 4, 2009



Children (ages 4 – 11)
*Prices are tax inclusive, handling fees not included.

For more information or to order tickets visit Grinch on ICE.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A European couple review Zola the restaurant

So we wanted to try fine cuisine in the US. Probably, having had the choice, for this experiment we wouldn’t have selected Nashville, a city famous for other offerings. But this is where work brought us to, and anyway we had heard nice things about Zola, where Chef Debra Paquette (co-owner with husband Ernie Paquette) produces dishes inspired by Mediterranean (notably Spanish/Moroccan) and French cuisine.

Let us come clean at the outset: the experiment was not successful. We don’t want to play the part of the snotty Europeans (though what else are we?) so we would prefer to attribute the failure to a seemingly impassable gulf between our concept of fine dining and the Nashvillian one.

As you might have guessed already the main problem for us was that the multitude of ingredients expressed only muted flavours at best. We prefer dishes with fewer ingredients, but with clear, well extracted flavour. We read in an interview with Chef Paquette (you see, we really do our research) that fun is an essential feauture of her cooking philosophy. And no doubt her cuisine looks joyful, if ungenerous in the meat portions. We wish good luck to Zola, which anyway does not need our wishes because it clearly meets the local taste.

Read the entire review and visit their site at Eat Drink Man Woman.

Farm subsidies are going to universities and institutions

As the sun prepares to set over the ridge that borders his Speedwell farm, Freddie Wells quickly wraps up afternoon chores. It's the same set of tasks his grandfather did before his father did.

Dairy farming is not only a living for Wells, it's his way of life.

"Freedom," he said. "I like the freedom. Not having to answer to someone."

In East Tennessee and the country, he's become part of a dying breed. According to the University of Tennessee, dairy farmers are getting rid of their operations like spoiled milk.

In 1995, there were about 1300 dairy farms in the Volunteer State. Today, there are fewer than 600.

"The guy looks at it like, 'Man, I could sell the property and have a whole lot more money than I'm going to make,'" Wells said.

Read the rest of the story at WBIR.

I love my car but I'm ready to start riding a horse instead

Chief executives from General Motors Corp, Ford Motor Co, and Chrysler LLC pleaded on Wednesday for $25 billion in federal assistance to help pay their suppliers, workers and other expenses at a time when car sales have plunged along with a souring economy.

But skeptical lawmakers blasted them for flying private jets to Washington and failing to make personal sacrifices in exchange for federal assistance.

"It's almost like seeing a guy show up at the soup kitchen in a high hat and tuxedo," said Rep. Gary Ackerman, a Democrat from New York.

"Couldn't you have downgraded to first class or something, or jet-pooled or something to get here?" Ackerman asked the executives at a hearing held by the U.S. House Financial Services Committee.
Read the entire story in Trading Markets.

Horse head stuck in the tree

A passer-by came to the rescue after he heard the horse whinnying Photo: Wenn

The young filly needed to be freed from the tree after curiosity got the better of it and it wedged its head between separate sections of the trunk.

The horse, called Gracie, was unable to free itself and could have been in danger were it not for a passer-by who was able to come to the rescue after he heard the horse whinnying.

Jason Harschbarger, a neighbour in the town of Pullman, West Virginia, USA, arrived at the scene which resembled the image of Winnie the Pooh getting stuck in the honey tree.

Mr Harschbarger collected his tools and was able to carefully set the horse free by using a chainsaw to slowly cut the wood around its neck.

However, before he did so, he was able to take a few photographs.

Fortunately for Gracie, she was able to escape her ordeal with only a few minor injuries and, according to Mr Harschbarger, is on the road to recovery.

Following his rescue operation, Mr Harschbarger told a local television station: "She has a few cuts on her face and ear.

"Last I heard her jaw was a little dislocated but I think it is healing up and she can eat on her own again."

It remains unclear why Gracie put her head into the gap.

This came from the Telegraph UK.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Congrats to the Fisk Jubilee Singers and Centennial Park

Visit the official Fisk Jubilee Singers website to learn more about these amazing folks.

Visit the Nashville parks website to learn more about the plans and history of Centennial Park.

Holiday travel deasl with Southwest Airlines

$49 - $109 one-way (Monday – Thursday & Saturday) or $59 - $159 one-way (Friday & Sunday)!

Book by November 20 for travel December 9, 2008 - February 28, 2009. 21-day advance purchase.

Fares do not include federal excise tax of $3.50 per takeoff and landing, airport-assessed passenger facility charges (PFC) of up to $9, and government-imposed September 11th Security Fee of up to $5.00 one-way.

  • Available only on and 21-day advance purchase is required.

  • Purchase November 18 through November 20, 2008, midnight central standard time.

  • Travel December 9, 2008 through February 28, 2009.

  • Fares do not include federal excise tax of $3.50 for each flight segment. A flight segment is defined as a takeoff and a landing.

  • Fares do not include airport-assessed passenger facility charges (PFC) of up to $9.00 and government-imposed September 11th Security Fee of up to $5.00 one-way.

  • Seats are limited. Fares vary by destination and may not be available on all flights during key travel dates (12/20/08 - 1/4/09). Seats may be limited to/from FL between 2/11/09 and 2/28/09 due to Spring Break.

  • Travel not available to/from New Orleans, LA, Orange County, CA, Salt Lake City, UT, or Washington (Dulles), DC.

  • Offer applies to Southwest Airlines-operated, published, scheduled service.

  • This fare is available for one-way travel.

  • If combining with other fares, the most restrictive fare's rules apply.

  • Tickets are nonrefundable but (except for tickets purchased through our Group Tickets program)may be applied toward future travel on Southwest Airlines.

  • Fares are subject to change until ticketed.

  • Any change in itinerary may result in an increase in fare.

Visit Southwest Airlines Hot Fares to get these special deals.

"I wasn't losing, I was learning how to win"

Recently CNN was interviewing Ted Turner and they asked Ted how he kept going when his sailing team lost year after year and his baseball team was in last place for four years before going on to win the World Series. Without any hesitation Ted said, “I wasn’t losing, I was learning how to win.”

Gaylord Hotels pulls out of Chula Vista resort project

Chula Vista and the Port of San Diego were reeling yesterday after Gaylord Entertainment dropped plans for a 32-acre resort, another disappointment in 35 years of failed attempts to develop the city's waterfront.

In separate afternoon meetings with the Port District and the city, Gaylord Senior Vice President Bennett Westbrook said the regulatory and financial hurdles were deal-breakers.

The project had been held out as the bayfront savior that would bring jobs, tourism and cash to Chula Vista, the port and Gaylord, based in Nashville, Tenn.

“I'm really disappointed,” said Mayor Cheryl Cox, who added that she had no idea Gaylord planned to pull out. “There is no doubt in my mind that Gaylord's decision is final.”

Read the complete story in the San Diego Union Tribune.

February 2005: A group from Gaylord Entertainment, based in Nashville, Tenn., visits Chula Vista City Hall unannounced to ask about building a massive complex on the city's bayfront.

Aug. 9: The Port Commission opens up the project for other developers to bid.

Nov. 1: The Port Commission chooses Gaylord over local developers.

July 2006: Gaylord, Chula Vista and the Port Commission sign an agreement, and the company begins negotiating with labor.

March 15, 2007: Gaylord unveils a detailed concept design for a 32-acre complex, including 1,500 to 2,000 hotel rooms, meeting space, shops, a spa and fitness center, six restaurants and a rooftop bar.

June 29: A Gaylord official meets with union leaders in San Diego after negotiations stall, but no deal is reached.

July 6: Gaylord pulls out of the project for the first time.

Aug. 7: Gaylord resumes talks with the city and the Port District.

September 2008: Gaylord announces plans to build in Mesa, Ariz.

Yesterday: Gaylord withdraws from the Chula Vista project, citing infrastructure costs and a complicated regulatory and legal structure.

Online: Read Gaylord Entertainment's letter to city and port officials at

Great quote by Denis Waitley

A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown.
~Denis Waitley

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Image Makers – the Artistry of Manuel and Cambridge Jones

November 1st to November 29th

The Image Makers – the Artistry of Manuel and Cambridge Jones an exclusive exhibition of works from award winning British photographer Cambridge Jones’ upcoming coffee table book on Manuel, the legendary couturier to the stars. Jones is in the process of creating a unique collection of portraits featuring the iconic designer’s high profile clients wearing their favorite Manuel creation.

Jones, a celebrity in his own right has photographed four British Prime Ministers, The Queen, and everyone who is anyone from Sir Anthony Hopkins to James Bond. Some of his recent work resides in The Queen's private Library at Windsor Castle. Educated at Oxford University (Honors Degree in Politics, Philosophy & Economics) his commercial work centers primarily on the music business, politicians and actors.

Manuel, universally known for his exquisite diverse custom creations is more than a clothing designer. An image-maker, he put Johnny Cash in black, the Lone Ranger in a mask, and Elvis in a jump suit. He has dressed just about every country star to come out of Nashville and beyond. From Dwight Yoakam to Dolly Parton, Keith Urban to Kenny Chesney, the list is endless.

Visit Tinney Contemporary to learn more about this exhibit.

Walnut Hills Farm; Local business of the week

Doug and Sue Bagwells' Walnut Hills Farm provides locally raised beef and goats. They are located in Bethpage, Tn and their farm is all-natural. The Boer Goats and Limousin Cattle graze over the 50 acres and consume the grass/clover pastures.
Their beef is raised on grain and in the pastures and they do not sue pesticides, herbicides, steroids or antibiotics.
Visit their website Walnut Hills Farm to find out more or to place an order.

Book to inspire you to get out and see our country

AMERICAN RUINS, a Merrell publication, is the first photography book to document historic ruins throughout the United States. It presents a stunning visual record of ruins ranging from ancient Native American dwellings in the Southwest to the remains of Gilded Age mansions on the East Coast and a king’s summer home in Hawaii.

Luminous infrared photographs expose crumbled walls, weathered facades, and overgrown flora, and are accompanied by brief essays detailing the historical, geographical and architectural significance of each site. This landmark publication raises awareness of and appreciation for overlooked ruins that remain unknown even to most Americans. It captures the visual poetry of each place and offers a new way of seeing the landscape, the past, and the collective identity of America.

Visit the website and order the book at American Ruins book.

Centennial Park becomes a national treasure

Mayor Karl Dean and The Conservancy for the Parthenon and Centennial Park and the Metro Board of Parks and Recreation will make the announcement and tour the park's historic monuments.

Monday, November 17

Meet at the John Thomas Monument in Centennial Park
(In case of rain they will be in the Parthenon)

90 Years in the American West: Photographs by Ansel Adams and Bob Kolbrener

The Arts Company is presenting 90 Years in the American West: Photographs by Ansel Adams and Bob Kolbrener, the exhibit's first stop on a four-gallery tour that concludes next fall at the Ansel Adams Gallery in Yosemite National Park.
The Arts Company, 215 Fifth Ave. N.
Through Dec. 19. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday
615-254-2040 or visit The Arts Company

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hermitage Hotel Receives AAA Five Diamond Rating for Sixth Straight Year

"It is a great honor to retain this recognition," said Greg Sligh, the hotel's managing director. "It's a tremendous credit to our staff who work hard to make The Hermitage one of the finest hotels in the world. The hotel has always been our city's premier gathering place and is now the place for celebrities and dignitaries to stay when visiting Nashville, including during the recent Country Music Awards."

Visit the Hermitage Hotel's website for more information or to make reservations.

The Hermitage Hotel opened in 1910 after being commissioned by 250 Nashville residents. It is on the National Register of Historic Places and the only remaining grand hotel in Nashville. It is a member of Preferred Hotels and Resorts Worldwide and Historic Hotels of America.

Read the rest of the article at Market Watch by the Wall Street Journal.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Recent restaurant samplings in Nashville

Tokyo (Sushi)
spider roll
volcano roll
plum wine

Noshville (New York-style deli)
salami and eggs
hash browns
everything bagel

B & C Bar-B-Q (BBQ)
pulled pork
smoked salmon
sweet tea

Caney Fork Fish Camp (Seafood, American)
shrimp & grits (shrimp and bacon in a cajun cream sauce on two chipotle cheddar grit cakes)
sweet tea

Dinner Bell Meat (Meat & Three)
mashed potatoes w/ gravy
corn nuggets
green beans
squash casserole
sweet tea

Provence (Cafe)
1/2 roast beef sandwich
tomato basil soup
pecan sandy cookie
Tuscan bread (a loaf to take home)

Wendell Smith's (Meat & Three)
turnip greens
mashed potatoes w/ gravy
macaroni and cheese
white beans
sweet tea

Bobbie's Dairy Dip (Ice Cream, Soda Shop)
dipped ice cream cone (butterscotch)

"Don't Trash the Nash" canvas bags are now available

Find them at the Threadventures website and tell them Corey sent you.

$9.50 per bag

Natural Body w/ Black Handles
Natural Body w/ Forest Green Handles
Natural Body w/ Navy Blue Handles
Natural Body w/ Red Handles
Natural Body w/ Royal Blue Handles

Feel Good Friday- O Captain, my Captain Kangaroo

A wonderful tribute to Bob Keeshan aka Captain Kangaroo. I grew up watching this show and wish this man was still around to entertain and teach the children of today. We miss you Mr. Keeshan... Oh Captain my Captain!

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up--for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
~Walt Whitman

Aloft Hotels in Nashville

Aloft Nashville Downtown and Aloft Nashville Airport will both offer 136 spacious, loft-like rooms, tech-savvy touches and a hip, social atmosphere.

"Starwood's newest lifestyle brand, Aloft is stylish, fun and affordable - a perfect match for the dynamic city of Nashville," said Brian McGuinness, Vice President of Aloft and Element hotels worldwide."Known as Music City USA, Nashville appeals to youthful-minded travelers with its thriving music scene, superb dining, shopping and entertainment."
Read the entire story about Aloft Hotels in Nashville in the Hotels & Motel Management magazine.

CMA talk from People Magazine

• Meanwhile, double winner Brad Paisley dished about how he celebrated his male vocalist win: The singer ran offstage, grabbed his pregnant wife sitting in the front row and kissed her! "That was totally spontaneous," he told us of the smooch. "I hadn't seen her all day. She filmed Boston Legal this week and flew back in today, got her make-up done at home and didn't get there until right before. The first time I saw her was from the stage so I had to go down and kiss her because it was like, 'Hi!' "
• Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman, dropping by the Capitol Records party (briefly) at Lime, one of Kidman's favorite Nashville restaurants. Next stop for the partyhoppers: Ronnie Dunn's very musical bash at his Nashville barn. George Strait entertained the crowd with classic songs and even brought up Reese Witherspoon for "Jackson", reprising the duet she sang as June Carter in 2005's Walk the Line. Martina McBride took a turn on the mic, too, belting out the Rolling Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want" and playing a pink tambourine. Also at the bash: Dunn's musical partner Kix Brooks and Dierks Bentley.

Read more about the fun at the CMA's in People Magazine.

Viking Cooking Classes this weekend

November 14
Chocolate Workshop
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Chicago Steakhouse
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

November 15
Holiday Sweets Workshop
10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Sushi Workshop
3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Check out the entire schedule at the Viking Cooking School website.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Great quote by Nelson Mandela

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
-Nelson Mandela

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nashville International Airport provides holiday travel tips

As the holiday travel season arrives, Nashville International Airport (BNA) wants to ensure that all travelers are prepared for takeoff.

BNA is expecting increased travelers throughout Thanksgiving week.

BNA has more than 11,250 available parking spaces in four lots. An additional Remote Holiday Parking Lot will be available if needed. As you enter the airport, check the display for latest parking updates.

The following tips will ensure easier holiday travel and the Nashville Airports Experience, where passengers can count on top-notch customer service and facilities:

~Arrive early: Due to the heavy volume of anticipated passenger traffic, we urge all travelers to arrive inside the terminal at least two hours before their flight. This time will allow you to check-in with your airline, go through security and arrive at your designated gate. Call your airline in advance to obtain the status of your flight and their recommended check-in time. You may also log on to to check arrival and departure times.

~ Watch for Roadway Construction: Phase I of the Terminal Access Roadway Improvements (TARI) Project is underway. TARI is designed to improve traffic conditions on Terminal Ring Road, the one-way thoroughfare that surrounds the short- and long-term parking lots and provides access to the terminal.

During construction, BNA encourages travelers and guests to enter the airport from Donelson Pike (I-40 exit 216B from the west, exit 216 from the east) and allow extra travel time. All existing parking lots and the cell phone/waiting area will remain open during the TARI Project.

~Utilize the Frequent Parker Program. The new frequent parker program at BNA allows travelers to earn free parking, enjoy easier access in and out of gated parking lots, and make payments online. The program excludes valet parking. Interested individuals may join online at

~Do not leave vehicles unattended: Curbside access is for vehicles that are actively dropping off or picking up passengers. BNA offers a free cell phone/waiting area at the north end of the Long-term Parking Lot and passengers can be picked up on the baggage claim level by vehicles utilizing the 10-minute waiting area. Vehicles left unattended within 300 feet of the terminal building will be ticketed and towed due to security restrictions. Also, 30 minutes of free parking is available in the Short-term Parking Lot.

~Consider using an airline kiosk for check-in.

~Adhere to the 3-1-1 rule: Liquids, Aerosols & Gels for Carry-On: 3 oz. (travel- sized) liquids/gels; 1 quart-sized, clear, plastic, zip-top bag; 1 bag per passenger placed separate from carry-on in screening bin. The one-quart bag per person limits the total liquid volume each traveler can bring. The 3 oz. (travel-sized) container is a security measure. Consolidating the bottles into one bag and X-raying separately reduces clutter in the carry-on and expedites screening.

Place liquids in checked baggage when you can. Prescription medications, baby formula and milk are allowed in quantities exceeding three ounces and are not required to be in the zip-top bag. Declare these items for inspection at the checkpoint.

~Know what you can carry with you: Don not forget your boarding pass and photo ID. Before you pack your luggage, be sure to log on to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Web site, The site includes a detailed list of what you can and cannot take on an airplane. There is also a link to the Nashville International Airport site,

~Do not leave luggage unattended.

~Use TSA-recognized locks if you choose to lock luggage: Visit for a listing of locks accepted and recognized by the TSA.

~Do not travel with wrapped holiday gifts: Do not carry wrapped gifts in your carry-on baggage. You may be asked to unwrap gifts in order to pass through security checkpoints.

~Carry your film with you: Put all undeveloped film and cameras with film in your carry-on baggage. Checked baggage screening equipment will damage undeveloped film.

~Keep pets in their travel case when inside the terminal: This does not apply to service animals.

~Tips for entering security screening:
- Choose the right lane. Self-select lanes are now in place at BNA, allowing passengers to choose the appropriate entry lane for their needs. Choose from Expert (designated by black diamond), Casual (designated by blue square) or Family/Special Assistance (designated by green circle) for smoother processing.
- Remove your shoes, coats and jackets: Shoes and outer coats, including trench coats, ski jackets, leather jackets, overcoats and parkas, must go through the X-ray machine for inspection. - Have your boarding pass and photo ID in hand. Children under the age of 18 do not require an ID.

- Put all liquids in one-quart bags out of your luggage and place them in a plastic bin.

- Avoid wearing clothing, jewelry or other accessories that contain metal. Place metal items in your carry-on. Avoid placing metal items such as keys, pagers, loose change, money clips, PDAs, large metal belt buckles, metal hair decorations and mobile phones in your pockets.

- Be mindful of electronic equipment: If you will be traveling with these items, please place them inside your carry-on luggage prior to entering the screening checkpoint. This will allow for easy retrieval as you exit. If you are traveling with a laptop, camera and/or video camera, remove them from their cases and place them in the TSA-provided plastic bins.
Travelers with Children

~Utilize the Family Lane: The family self-select lane at the security checkpoint is designed to allow passengers traveling with small children a less stressful entry into the security screening area.

~Allow extra time when traveling with children: Please allow extra time for check-in and security checkpoint.

~Every person must be screened: Even babies must be individually screened. If you child can walk unassisted, it would be best to have the child walk through the metal detector independently.

~Strollers must be examined: All child-related equipment must go through the X-ray machine or be inspected by a checkpoint screener.

~Arrange for an escort: If a child is traveling alone, at least one parent or relative may receive a pass from the airline to escort the child to the boarding gate. Call your airline ahead of time to make special arrangements. If you require a companion or assistant to accompany you through the security checkpoint to reach your gate, speak with your airline representative about obtaining a gate pass for your companion before entering the security checkpoint.

Travelers with Special Needs

~Make arrangements in advance: Provide advance notice to your airline or travel agent if you require assistance, have special needs or have medical concerns.

~Utilize the Special Assistance Lane: The special assistance self-select lane at the security checkpoint is designed to allow passengers with special needs a less stressful entry into the security screening area.

~Simplify the process: If you have a medical implant or other device that is likely to set off the alarm on the metal detector, bring evidence verifying this condition.

~Note these permitted items: Mobility aids and assistive devices permitted through the security checkpoint include: wheelchairs, scooters, canes, walkers, crutches, prosthetic devices, body braces, augmentation and communication devices (e.g. Braille note takers, slate and stylus), service animals and diabetes-related equipment and supplies.

My Nashville...

My Nashville... is hard to put into words what makes it so special. To name a few things would have to include the slower pace, southern hospitality, good food and the country music. Together it all creates a wonderful place

My the Opryland Hotel during Christmas

My West End, Belmont Blvd and 12 South area. It encompasses the more eclectic side of Nashville through fine food,arts and progressive thinking.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A tribute to honor our veterans today

In honor of the men and women who served and protected our great nation. I can never say enough thank you's.

American anthem by Norah Jones

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hatcher Family Dairy; Local business of the week

A fine local company that stays true to their core values of faith, quality, cooperation, integrity and stewardship. They process and pasteurize their own milk and opened their on store. Check them out and help support local farmers, businesses and the local economy.

Look for Hatch Family Dairy products in various stores in the Nashville area but also be sure to visit their website. You'll love the "cow of the week" feature.