Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Plumgood Food is going out of business

Plumgood is closing its doors on Friday, December 5th.

A portion of a message on their website to customers from Eric Satz, cofounder and ceo is below:
We believe our service was not only good for our customers, but good for Nashville, which continues to diversify its economy by attracting large corporations from major cities and supporting local ventures with assistance from the Nashville Capital Network and the Nashville Chamber of Commerce. Similar businesses to ours exist in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Salt Lake City, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Chicago, Boston, Washington D.C., Virginia and New York City. We expect to see another grocery home delivery service plant itself here in the future.

Today’s economy has taken its toll on our business the same way it has on many other businesses our size. The primary driver for our customer was always convenience. This consumer value proposition becomes far less compelling in an environment where the perceived value of one’s time declines as significantly and rapidly as it has over the past few months. We’ve seen our weekly deliveries decline from more than 800 to less than 700. We simply do not have the scale and purchasing power required to compete on price with the country’s largest grocers and outlast the current economic crisis.

Please visit the Plumgood website to read the entire goodbye letter.

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