Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Farm subsidies are going to universities and institutions

As the sun prepares to set over the ridge that borders his Speedwell farm, Freddie Wells quickly wraps up afternoon chores. It's the same set of tasks his grandfather did before his father did.

Dairy farming is not only a living for Wells, it's his way of life.

"Freedom," he said. "I like the freedom. Not having to answer to someone."

In East Tennessee and the country, he's become part of a dying breed. According to the University of Tennessee, dairy farmers are getting rid of their operations like spoiled milk.

In 1995, there were about 1300 dairy farms in the Volunteer State. Today, there are fewer than 600.

"The guy looks at it like, 'Man, I could sell the property and have a whole lot more money than I'm going to make,'" Wells said.

Read the rest of the story at WBIR.

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