Thursday, December 17, 2009

Ideas for "The Nashville Experience with Corey Webb"

Good morning everyone, I'll have a busy day working on plans, scripts and more for my show "The Nashville Experience with Corey Webb" but I'd love to hear from you all about what you think people should see about Nashville.

I have my ideas but I'm curious to know what you feel is the thing(s) that everyone should see or know about. Would you want to see me learn to cook or serve at a meat & three, maybe learn how to play hockey with the Predators or try to play ball with the Nashville Sounds? Some of you might even want to see me out on the roads filling potholes with the guys that do that all day or attempt to write and sing a song in a honkytonk in downtown Nashville.

Whatever you have in mind that you would want to see me do or try, feel free to comment or contact me. Have an amazing day everyone and I'll see you soon.


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