Thursday, September 17, 2009

Interview with photographer Stacey Irvin

Welcome to my interview with local photographer Stacey Irvin. I met Stacey yesterday at her East Nashville studio and found her to be a very sweet and engaging lady. She is passionate about her travels and clearly enjoys getting to know the local culture and people of her various destinations.

Her work has been shown in various art galleries around Nashville and when you see her work you will understand why. She has an amazing eye for colors and her photos seem to pull you in to them so they can tell you the story. They whisper to you that they hold a secret of another culture, of days gone by and inspire your mind. I know when I've looked at her work I can almost hear the children laughing, the conversation as a meal is prepared, the sounds of animals nearby or the wind blowing through the trees.

C'mon, let me introduce you to Stacey

Visit her website to learn more about her and to see some of her work.
Introduction to Stacey Irvin and she tells us about her trips to China

Stacey talks about her visits to Montana and how she learned to work on a ranch

Stacey tells us about her trip to Kenya where she talks about documenting some of the things that "Burning Bush" does while also getting some great shots of the local people.

Stacey tells us about her travels to Ecuador

Stacey talks about what inspires her photography

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