Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tennessee Agriculture and Farms win awards

Winners of the Young Farmer and Rancher Achievement Award, Discussion Meet, and Excellence in Agriculture competitions were announced at the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 90th annual meeting in San Antonio.

Young farmers from around the United States competed for the awards by demonstrating knowledge of and achievement in agriculture, as well as commitment to promoting the agriculture industry.

Donald and Alicia Blankenship of Tennessee won the Achievement Award. They are the winners of a 2009 Dodge Ram 3500 pickup truck, courtesy of Dodge, and a $1,000 product voucher from Valvoline. They also received free registration to the 2009 AFBF YF&R Leadership Conference in Sacramento, Calif.

Dan and Cara June Strasser of Tennessee won the Excellence in Agriculture Award. They received a 2009 Dodge Ram 1500 pickup truck and free registration to the YF&R Leadership Conference.

Read the entire news HERE.

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