Thursday, January 08, 2009

Merle Haggard sues Green Train

Country star Merle Haggard has sued an environmental awareness group, claiming it illegally used his name and likeness to raise money.

The lawsuit was filed Thursday in Chancery Court against the Green Train, a Nashville-based organization, and its founder, Robert K. Wolf. It seeks unspecified compensatory damages.

Haggard claims in the lawsuit that the group forged his signature and exaggerated his involvement with the organization to solicit money. He says his reputation could be irreparably harmed by continued association with the group.

The Green Train bills itself as a nonprofit that educates the public about environmental issues. Its concert-and-train tour scheduled to depart Portland, Ore., in April and travel through 28 states on a six-week whistle-stop tour with several concerts along the way before ending in Washington D.C.

Read the entire story, HERE.

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