Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Tangredi's is being sued by American Express

This is a sad story of betrayal and criminal activity from a local restaurant owner and his son. You would like to think that this can't be true but we can only sit back and see what unfolds.

Read about it below:

A national credit card company said a Nashville restaurant owner racked up over a million dollars in charges after opening a credit card in one of their employee's names. The suit accuses the Tangredis of opening one of several fraudulent American Express charge card accounts in the name of employee Laura Lightfoot. The employee was "duped by the Tangredis into having her name and credit information used so that a credit card could be issued to perpetrate their fraud," according to the suit.

American Express has filed a complaint against Michael Tangredi and his 18-year-old son, saying the two obtained fraudulent American Express accounts. The suit accuses Tangredi of failing to pay more than a million dollars in those fraudulent credit card charges.

Read the rest of the story in the Tennessean newspaper.

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