Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tennessee needs to start using wind and clean energy

“I’m a big fan of Tennessee,” he said. “We picked Tennessee because it felt right. … To be successful you have to rely on your heart as well as your head.”

Jacoby’s remarks came Tuesday during a keynote address to a lunch crowd at the Governor’s Summit on Clean Energy Technology, an event that wraps up today at the Knoxville Convention Center. The summit, hosted by Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen, former U.S. Sen. Howard Baker and the University of Tennessee Baker Center for Public Policy, focused on ways that green technology can help spur economic growth in the state.

Read the entire article and learn how companies and the Tennessee government are moving to make changes to help the environment.

Wind power has started to become a popular way for homeowners to generate their own energy, but some new rules in Nashville could limit how green homeowners can get.

One resident in the city is already using a wind tower on his property to pump power into his home.

As more people decide to go green by using wind power, Metro councilman Charlie Tygard said he doesn’t want some people’s efforts to save money to alter other people’s quality of living.

Read the entire article in National Wind Watch.

Get more news here as well.

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