Saturday, October 18, 2008

He played banjo while they performed brain surgery on him

Eddie Adcock had brain surgery the other day at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He was awake for the entire process and played his banjo during the process. I guess you could say he was "pickin and grinnin" while the doctors "cuttin and grinnin." You really must read the story and watch the video. They are both available courtesy of the Tennessean newspaper. You can read an excerpt below from the paper.

Here is an excerpt from the story in the Tennessean...

Adcock, a well-known, well-traveled banjo player, recently underwent deep brain stimulation surgery, a cutting-edge procedure used to cure tremors. The surgery not only did that for Adcock, but also restored his dream of continuing to play music professionally.

The uncommon part was what the doctors asked him to do: play music while they worked on his brain.

A videotape of the Aug. 25 procedure shows Adcock lying on an operating table, picking an original song on his banjo while, on the other side of a plastic curtain, surgeons and nurses do their work.

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