Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Arts Company presents "The Art of Politics" featuring Robert Grossman

The Arts Company exhibit, The Art of Politics, opening on October 4, 6-9:00 pm, during the monthly FirstArtSaturday, will coincide with the town hall presidential debate to be hosted by Belmont University. This exhibit showcases recent iconic artwork by legendary New York illustrator/sculptor Robert Grossman, whose political and satirical works appear frequently in the The New York Times, New York Observer, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone, and other major mainstream publications.

The Arts Company has commissioned Robert Grossman to produce a historic limited edition signed poster commemorating the occasion of the Nashville presidential debate. The Arts Company has also commissioned Jorge Arrieta to produce four different limited edition posters and one t-shirt for the occasion. These special commissions will be part of the artist reception on October 4 at The Arts Company. Robert Grossman, Jorge Arrieta, and exhibit curator Metro Councilman Ronnie Steine will attend the reception.

The Arts Company

215 Fifth Avenue North
Nashville, TN 37215
(615) 254-2040

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