Monday, September 29, 2008

Noah Liff Opera Center is the new home for the Nashville Opera

Picture is from the Nashville Post

The story in the local papers:

In this case, the figurative fat lady sang not to signify the ending but the beginning.

The Nashville Opera today unveiled the design plans for its new home in Sylvan Park, a year later than initially planned so the organization made sure it had more than enough money to start construction.

D.F. Chase Construction is scheduled to begin work on the $6-million Noah Liff Opera Center, named for the late Nashville businessman, on Monday. The goal is to be in the 26,000-square-foot center new next fall and become a new neighbor to Nashville Ballet and Climb Nashville on Redmon Street

Read this entire story in the Nashville Post.

The new Noah Liff Opera Center, 26,000 square feet of office, rehearsal and studio space that will serve as the nonprofit's new headquarters. Designed by Earl Swensson Associates of Nashville, the $6 million facility gives Tennessee's largest professional opera company something it has never had: a home of its own. Named for the late Noah Liff, one of the company's most steadfast and generous benefactors, the new center is at the rear of a converted warehouse, adjacent to Nashville Ballet, in a quiet corner of Sylvan Park.

"We needed a permanent headquarters," said Carol Penterman, executive director of Nashville Opera. "Our new space legitimizes us. We were the only arts organization in town that didn't have a permanent place. As long as you're renting, people think you are temporary."

Read the entire story in the Tennessean newspaper.

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