Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wendell Smith's in Nashville (meat and three series, part 1)

The first in our series about meat and three restaurants in Nashville. We'll have more coming up in the future so come back and check them all out.


  1. I really enjoyed the video of Wendell Smith's. It is really nice to have this kind of video for restaurants. It is one thing to see an ad for a restaurant, but it was awesome to see a video of the restaurant, itself, as well as the food. I was impressed. I can't wait to visit Wendell Smith's on my next trip to Nashville.
    It is great seeing the local restaurants and finding out about good places before I get there and have to ask around. THANKS!!!

  2. Thanks for the comment. I hope you enjoy the upcoming videos as well of other meat and threes in Nashville. I will be doing videos of all sorts of things in and around Nashville in the future, so come back to check it out.
