Friday, February 22, 2008

Free Beer Tasting at Vinea this Saturday, February 23

If you've tried strong, hoppy microbrews or mass-produced beers and didn't like the taste, we hope you'll come see us this Saturday.

We're sampling beers from Belgium, Germany, and Colorado that pair well with great food, and dispel many of the traditional notions you may have about beer.

These are full and rich, with flavors and aromas that make them a nice choice instead of wine.

We'll be pouring Saturday from 2-5 next door at Corrieri's Formaggeria. See you Saturday.

Popperings Hommel - $9.99/750 ml
A light, sweet, fruity beer from Belgium.

Petrus Blonde - $15.99/4 pk
Another light ale from Belgium. Compare it to the Hommel and let us know what you think.

Petrus Dubbel Bruin - $15.99/4 pk
A dark ale with a subtle caramel flavor.

Petrus Gouden Tripel - $10.99/750 ml
Smooth, rich and golden. Perfect as an aperitif - or with desserts.

Ettaler Curator Doppelbock - $4.99/500 ml
A dark, complex German beer with figs, cherry, raisin and toffee flavors.

Fort Collins Double Chocolate Stout - $6.99/650 ml
Loads of chocolate, just as you'd expect. Not to be missed!

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