Sunday, December 09, 2007

The Grinch and Santa in Nashville

Let me start out this week's blog by saying, Jesus is the reason for the season. Amen! I haven't lost sight of that, but it doesn't diminish the fact that each year my six year-old daughter insists on dragging us to every Breakfast with Santa Nashville has to offer. Sometimes it's a restaurant, other times it's a church hosting the event. We have one on the books for every Saturday between now and Christmas if for no other reason than to figure out what she REALLY wants for Christmas above and beyond the three thousand things she's circled in the Toys R Us and Lillian Vernon catalogues.

I'm leaving out names in this blog to protect the innocent, but let me say that last weekend... Santa was officially hijacked. Anyone who's ever been to one of these will tell you that a breakfast with Santa is not really breakfast... with Santa. It usually involves a couple of pancakes, a sausage patty, some hot coffee, (if you're lucky) and a "brief" visit with Old Saint Nick. As it turns out at this particular Breakfast with Santa, the price of admission included everything but the actual visit... and I'm not joking. Oh how I wish that I were.

Read the entire in Tom and Jennifer's blog.

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