Monday, November 05, 2007

Turner Endangered Species Fund Saves Species and Habitats

The Turner Endangered Species Fund protects imperiled species and habitats on over 1.8 million acres owned by the Turner family. Turner properties are also home to more than 25,000 bison.
Each year tens of thousands of species and attendant ecological actions, fine-tuned by time and place, disappear at the hand of man. These losses strip away the redundancy and certainty of nature and diminish the lives of millions of people. If these trends continue, the world will become a dismal place indeed, with silent springs and hot summers and little left to excite the senses except the weeds. Without doubt, the extinction crisis looms as one of humanity’s most pressing problems.
We work closely with state and federal agencies, universities, and private organizations. We operate on the belief that many minds wrapped around a problem builds a certain route to success. Whether we endeavor to manage an existing population or restore an extinct one, our goal is population persistence with little or no human intervention. We believe that self-sustaining populations of native species indicate a landscape that is healthy or at least recovering.
Visit Turner Endangered Species Fund to find out more information.
I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor. - Henry David Thoreau

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