Sunday, September 23, 2007

Loveless Cafe and Cheekwood Botanical Gardens on a Saturday

We started the day off in the Loveless Cafe. While we waited we walked around and looked in all the little shops around the restaurant and finally our buzzer buzzed and breakfast was underway. We enjoyed both breakfast and lunch with everyone smiling, talking and having a great time and meal. Our two German guests enjoyed it and loved the overall experience that the Loveless provides

After breakfast/lunch we went for a visit at Cheekwood. We walked through the herb gardens, Japanese garden, enjoyed the art in the old mansion, walked around sculpture trail and visited the gift shop afterwards. We had a wonderful time although it was a little hot to be out and about on trails and through gardens but nevertheless a day at Cheekwood is always just right. They currently have a Faberge egg exhibit inside the mansion so be sure to check that out as well.

Warning!!! Do not attempt to take pictures inside the mansion because it is not allowed. If you do a large, blonde security will huff and puff and fuss at you. I forgot that it wasn't allowed and I took a couple of pictures before she hastily told me that I was on camera and to stop and I dare not try to take anymore pictures. She was foaming at the mouth, I do believe. I'm still traumatized.

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