Saturday, May 24, 2008

In honor of Memorial Day weekend....I am reposting this about the 100th Bombers Group

I posted this back in September but I wanted to show it again to honor these men on Memorial Day weekend.
~Corey Webbspun

These amazing men stayed at our hotel recently and they told stories of their time in the war and they had pictures and books that were written by men involved in the battles and flying these missions that most of us would wimp out over.

I have to agree with Tom Brokaw, that this was the "greatest generation." Thank you gentlemen for your service and love for our great nation.

7 APR 1945 Buchen -- one of the last raids on Germany and on the crews 25th mission, the aircraft 43-38514, "E-Z GOIN'" was involved in a mid-air collision with an ME-109. Crew managed to bomb target and return to Thorpe Abbotts despite the loss of parts of the vertical fin and the horizontal stabilizer. This is the aircraft pictured on the front cover of "CENTURY BOMBERS" by Le Strange and Brown.

I met Rob Larsen, sone of Norm Larsen, while at the hotel and he is so passionate about these guys and their stories. Great people and I plan to buy a book soon with more info about them.

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