Monday, July 09, 2007

Taste of Europe...the review

We started off outside on the back deck. We enjoyed the evening by looking out over the Threadventures property. It was so nice and we took folks back to see the horses. Conversations were alive as we talked about travels, books and all sorts of things with sometimes everyone involved in one conversation while other times talking just one on one. Some of the conversations were about literature and movies and talked about Pooh, J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan, C.S. Lewis, Willie Wonka, Charley and the Chocolate Factory but we talked about a little bit of everything under the sun.

The wine began to flow while still outside and than we all went inside to listen to Brandon explain the world of cheese to us and then we all tasted and compared tastes, textures and all the fun complexities of cheese.

We soon moved onto the world of wine and enjoyed some wonderful choices from Italy, Spain and France. They all were wonderful wines with great tastes and they were so pleasing in the way they all danced their own little dances with our taste buds. Mark did a great job of making sure we understood and enjoyed the history, the pleasure and more about the wines.

We also had a fantastic Belgian beer called Chimay. It was excellent in taste, texture and had a wonderful finish.

Chad and Carrie Schott from Drumzrguruven attended and Chad begin to played the didgeridoo for us. Afterwards he discussed how he makes his musical instruments, where he goes to sell them (i.e. festivals, art shows, etc), where he finds bamboo and much more.

We had some really nice door prizes to give away before the night was over. Some of the door prizes were:
$85 gift certificate for Mambu,
two $20 gift certificates for Ellendales,
gourd drum from Drumzrguruven
60-minute massage for Seraphim Salon and Spa.

I now look forward to the next which will be coming up soon.

Stay tuned...

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