Monday, June 25, 2007

Jack White Interview from Pitchfork

Pitchfork: How's the Nashville skyline tonight?

Jack White: Looking real good.

Pitchfork: Enjoying living there?

White: Very much. The best thing I ever did.

Pitchfork: You don't miss Detroit?

White: Not really. There's some really nice buildings in Detroit, and I miss some of those.

Pitchfork: Was it always going to be Nashville?

White: I wanted to be somewhere down in the south. I looked around Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and it just felt right in Nashville. It kept calling out to me for some reason, so I didn't fight it.

Pitchfork: You played the Cannery Ballroom in Nashville recently, and it was the first White Stripes show since December 2005. Was it like getting back on a horse or were you a bit rusty?

White: It was a little of everything. Some things came completely natural and some things I had to think, "How did we do this again?" We just needed to get out there and do one. We'd been rehearsing with a new crew and new gear and all these new songs, of course. So we said, "Let's just play a show and get this out of our system." It's a lot different to rehearsing where you stop to get a drink of water or go to the bathroom. We needed an actual show to jolt us into being where we're used to being.

Read the entire article and interview, HERE

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