Wednesday, January 24, 2007

This Saturday at Vinea

No wines this week to taste but they will have some good Belgium beers to taste. The tasting will be at Corrieri's Cheese Shop from 2-5pm. Quit missing this free joy and get involved.

Troubadour Blond Ale $19.99
The clear, golden, attractive color is what strikes you first. A firm white head is the crown of this golden ale. Your first experience, while sipping the BLOND, will be a refreshing, sparkling effect on your tongue, followed by a mild bitterness enhanced by a spiciness, that finishes with a sweeter sensation. A good nose recognizes the hops, in combination with fruity esters.
With its 6.5 % alcohol by volume it is somewhat stronger in alcohol content than regular beers, but it’s not overpowering, and it allows one to easily drink more than one glass--especially with dinner, where we recommend it certainly with fish dishes. Although it is a typical beer to sharpen the appetite, while drinking it with your friends, family or business partners before actually having dinner. And of course we will not refrain you from drinking a few more after dinner while having more fun with your company.

Slober $4.99
Sloeber is the Flemish name for an epicure, somebody who likes the good things in life in a somewhat naughty way. The Sloeber pale golden ale has a malty nose, rather hoppy and dry on the palate with hints of orange. Full of character, it is one of the best examples of the Belgian strong blond ales at 7.5 % alcohol by volume…a great companion for copious meals and other naughty activities! The blond ales were the first defense of the Belgian brewers against the emergence of the Pilsner beer in the early 20th century: more flavor, more aroma and higher in alcohol.

Biere du Boucanier Golden $4.99
This golden ale is treasured in the best restaurants and the most exclusive bars.It probably has one of the meanest labels, but its taste is a sublime combination of bitterness (hops) and sweetness (the rich malt), all complimented by a specific spiciness infused by a combination of three exclusive yeasts. An all natural process. To reach such high alcohol levels, the brewer must start with three times the normal amount of the best barley malt, and give the yeast many weeks to do its fermentation work. More, the beer is also refermented in the bottle (and the keg!). This technique keeps the beer alive and fresh for many years, while producing a natural carbonation.Food combinations as suggested by our Italian beer-lovers: “Enjoy this beer as an appetizer while entertaining your friends, or as your beer of choice with rich Italian pasta’s (the alcohol seems to help the digestion), or as your end of the day reward.”

Bieri du Boucanier Dark $5.49

The DARK is a triple in strength. It is the sweetest of the three Bieres du Boucanier, caramelized and malty. The creamy strong head is striking. A great dessert beer.

Bieri du Boucanier Red $4.49
The RED is easily considered a double in strength, and burst open with a full fruit candy like flavor, offset by a dry hoppy-ness, perfectly balanced. You could also categorize it as a stronger amber ale.
2410 12th Avenue South Nashville, Tn 37204

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