Monday, January 08, 2007

Role Model? Me?

I had a guest that checked in with his family tonight and he reminded me that they stayed at my hotel approx. 2 years ago and I sent them out for dinner and to see my city. I vaguely remember it all but he told me how I talked about the hotel business and what a great business it is and how much I enjoyed it.

Well, I gave them my card and told them if they ever came back to Nashville to let me know and I would be happy to help them get out and about again. Well, he kept the card on his desk and when he felt like it was time to move on to a new job, he remembered what I said and he now works at a resort hotel for the same company that I work for. He told me that he loves it and was glad he took my advice and made the change. I was incredibly flattered and blown away by my effect on someone like that.

I guess it just goes to show you that how we treat people on a daily basis whether in our jobs or in our every day lives can truly make a difference.

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