Monday, November 27, 2006

Breakfast at the Loveless Cafe

Seeing this sign if like coming home for me. I have gone here for years and will for many more because the food is delicious and the staff is fun.

Now a much larger restaurant than when I first discovered it and went for many years when it was just a small little place. Now it has grown and is able to hold more people and yet the crowds keep coming and the waits can be long.

A place where people of all kinds visit and enjoy the simple yet delicious food. This is the entrance with some of the pictures of celebrities who have visited. Speaking of celebrities, that is George Harvell on the left. He is the Executive Chef and Pitmaster and he knows how to make it just right.

A wonderful way to start the day when in the South...
Scrambled eggs, homefries, bacon, biscuits and gravy, coffee and some homemade preserves. They have Strawberry, Blackberry and Peach preserves to go with your biscuits. They also have some nice art on the wall made by local artists which is available for purchase.

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