Thursday, October 19, 2006

Fire Tower Rentals

In the early 90's when I was in the midst of my vagabond days of traveling around the country and enjoyed just about every variety of places to sleep. I stayed in nice hotels, little motels with lots of neon, slept in my car, slept in the grass at rest areas, camped, crashed at friends and strangers homes and many other adventures. Well, one of the things that I always wanted to do was to spend a couple or more days in a fire lookout tower. The kinds of places that you have to hike out into the forest or mountains to get to.

I felt like this would provide me with amazing views of majestic beauty and leave me in awe while also getting me out of the city and back in touch with the wonders of being away from noise, technology and all the fun stuff that comes with modern society. Alas, I never made it and I keep telling myself that one day I will stay in a lookout tower. To me it would be just another way to enjoy traveling and letting myself be amazed at the beauty you can find when you just step out and see what is "out there."

I'd love to hear if anyone has done this or if you would like to. If I ever make to out to one, I will let you all know how it goes.

Fire Lookout Towers

Fire Lookout Tower Rentals


  1. My grandmother and her 5 children used to live beside a fire tower. She was responsible for being a lookout. My mom has told me countless stories of death-defying antics of her and her siblings while playing on the fire tower.

    I've been out to visit the one they lived at, but haven't been up to the top... too scary!

  2. I've never had anyone that I know stay in a fire tower but I did read about it in a Jack Kerouac book and maybe that is where I got the wild idea. I also used to love being out in the wilderness and thought have that birds-eye view would just be the best.

  3. I've never had anyone that I know stay in a fire tower but I did read about it in a Jack Kerouac book and maybe that is where I got the wild idea. I also used to love being out in the wilderness and thought have that birds-eye view would just be the best.
