Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Boots and more boots with deals to boot....

Today while out having a delicious meal in my fair city, I met Dave. Dave is the Manager of Boot Corral which is located on Lower Broadway and today is when I heard the news of their daily special of....drum roll please....BUY ONE PAIR OF BOOTS AND GET TWO PAIRS FREE. Now how in the world can you beat that? I'm not really a boot kinda guy but I'm giving some serious thought to going down and buying a pair for me and if I don't want three pairs then I will use the extras as gifts. They also work with the local hotels and conventions for gifts and often sell hats in various colors to help groups stay together and they use boots and hats for table settings as well. They are creative and fun and are more then just your typical western outfitter. They are part of what makes Lower Broadway so much fun and they add charm with a good helping of local flavor.

Boot Country
304 Broadway in downtown Nashville
(615) 259-1691

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your information...only last week i purchased couple of nike i'd try next time..thanks
